Saturday, September 18, 2021

By doing this silently, I allow you to provide the voice

 i have other blogs

Essence of the rules

 As I relax in my mind castle, I wonder if I need to do a soft reboot of my universe or crash the whole thing.

I wish I was an omnipotent being...oh yeah.  I am.   

I ...when I type an I, I can be any character I choose

Permanent but slightly altered

We all died 10,000 years before we were born.  We are all still alive. 

We all get to where we are going.  We are in the living archive.

Type up your stories, any way you would like, but you can never leave

you just make a mark on The Permanent Record

Some do as God intended.

Some gods have different intentions.

Some don't realize,  institutions are made to be infiltrated,

That some lead, follow, get out of the way... some rule.

Some don't see it coming. Some hope for the best. Some rely on God. Some are fools. 

It always ends up the same.

How do we fix it when some think humans are to blame?

The nature of the machine

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.