Saturday, August 16, 2014

My humble apologies.

Crap. I insulted the audience...crap. Well I had to do it, you saw what they were doing.  Didn't you?  The way they just IGNORED me.   What a mess.   What am I going to do now?   What good is blogging if you don't have anyone reading it?  I mean, people click, but they don't read. I just bore them.

Say what? Tell them the walrus joke again?

Ok. I hope someone at least chuckles.

I'm such an A-hole for calling them intolerable narcissistic bastards.  They can't control who they are.

Maybe some of them like to be called names?   I doubt it.  Narcissists are usually the last ones to know what they are.

Put Failing on my resume.

Honestly, it is almost like I am the only one who thinks I am funny, and can write and sing. You  Intolerable, narcissistic bastards. I have used my last resort.: I have insulted the audience.

There simply has to be a way to turn failing into a profitable skill.
There simply must.

Have I been blackballed from Social Media?  Conspiracy, I say. Conspiracy.  Sure, I am alternatingly creepy, insightful, cold, warm, funny, trying to hard, sad, too dirty or too clean, and just overall a buzzkill timesuck...but God Dammit.  I am GOOD at it. Almost as good at getting made fun of.

People, someone has to get picked on. I have stepped up to the plate and put my life on trial, out there in the vast badlands of the Internet.   I may as well be naked, I am so exposed.

Take your shots.  Someone has to fail so that others succeed.

There are a few interesting projects almost done, but if they are interesting they go against my branding. I am whiny guy. I am used to think I was a pro bowler guy.  I am dying guy and always broke guy. I am wannabee guy. I am homeless guy. Let us not forget how good I am at playing Knowitall guy.   None of these actually count as acting, unfortunately.  If you really are whiny, verge of dying, a wannabee, homeless and so on then it actually makes it a reality show.

See my work for free on,, and many other blogger blogs.   Also  Mark Burkenbine  on tumblr, Mark A. Burkenbine on twitter, Youtube, facebook , google plus and twitter and soundcloud.

Singing, writing of all types, some jokes, telling a few stories here and is kind of a variety act of amateur hodgepodge.   Believe it or not, that was the goal. Social media has been raided by professional marketers, and I am proud of my amateur standing.Not too proud, I would like to be paid someday.

Maybe, some day, I can be Made My Own Qualifications Guy.

Most of this is G rated, some is R.

Yep, when you are setting by a bed, or in one for as long as I have been, social media at least gives you SOMETHING to do.

Now to work on this  Unhireable thing.   I could edit, I could.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Depression. Just my two cents

Depression is standing, laughing in a room of happy smiling loved ones that can't see you falling into the never ending deafening silence.
An illness, to suffer pain that no one can possibly fathom.The length of fight is your choice, but all fight to the end.
If you are able to talk about your depression , then it probably isn't your main worry.Too much rationalizing going on. Talking makes SENSE.
just my two cents. My wife and I are going for a nice walk. Its a beautiful day.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.