Thursday, April 8, 2021

Blank Pages

Ezekiel, do you know in a story, when the character is dying and heading for the bright light, do you know what that light is? 
No, Author, I don't. Please let me finish my work? You created me for good reason.

That light is merely blank pages, waiting to be filled. 

Goodbye, Ezekiel.  
(excerpt from Author and the Untimelys, Mark Burkenbine)

Typo and all


Monday, April 5, 2021

Occam's Razor doesn't finish the job

Questioning weaponized absurdity only feeds it and makes it stronger


 I woke up on my bum left shoulder. Not good. Haven't slept on it for a month and a half, at least. Maybe my body was trying to get away from the back pain. I said to myself, "Self, ('cause that is what I call myself) -my back doesn't hurt. What's wrong?" ...but like that dog that gets lost on vacation in Florida but hitchhikes all the way to Anchorage to find its owner, back pain always finds its way. It's in the name.


We spend our lives putting a face to a voice and call that reality. (Flimsy)


Not everyone was meant to fly...but now they can


Autoimmune disease. Immune system attacking you by mistake. What if it isn't a mistake?


It is hard to get something out of a system you are discovering you are not a part of


I feel like using the word extrapolate in a sentence.
You never know the hell someone else is dealing with.

Lens falls out of my glasses again, (still rigged up since I sat on and bent the frames , months ago.)
I, being virtually blind WITH the glasses, look for hours with a flashlight in the dark for the tiny brown screw on the brown floor.
Wife wakes up, I explain, and she tells me to get her repair kit. She then tells me the screw is still in the frame and she is glad I didn't get on my hands and knees to look for it (cause I probably couldn't get back up).
Anyway, I can see some things better than others now.
Now for a Greek yogurt breakfast smoothie with my favorite live active cultures, and a handful of prescribed medications.
Mmmm. A good Monday to ya.
Some people think it is deliberate, but the trick is an artful life chooses you. There is no escaping.

Wife just asked "How is your life going?"
I said, " It has been as the legends foretold, my love."
Too many bridge burning incidents are assumed accidental when they are, in fact, well planned arson.
Fragility is apple and cinnamon instant oatmeal, made with water instead of milk.
Tragedy is adding the proper amount of chia seeds, after I misread the tablespoon/teaspoon thing for 2 weeks.
But it's good for me.
Just when you realize there is no more time for fuckups, you realize that is what time is for.

Legend in my own mind. Earnest. Never do the easy thing. Trade off...wound that never heals. War stories.
Quality of life? A man's just got to live long enough...


A few days ago, my wife opened a box of crackers to find the individual tubes unsealed and not full.
Tonight, cooked a pot pie for an hour to find it empty and with no bottom crust.
Quality control runs amok

I woke up in the hospital, not knowing what hospital I was in. I did not know if I was transported to a bigger hospital for a surgery.... for all I knew, this was the afterlife. Some believe life just picks up in the same place after we pass...

You are eating at the right burger joint when you watch a delivery from the butcher shop across the street.

Today I will be sporting , to the best of my abilities, a newly refurbished can-do attitude.
Today, the whole world smells of new car.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.