Saturday, August 14, 2021


 A young man 

takes a walk in the country

and sees an older man

staring into a field

He asks the older gentleman

if he needs anything.

The old man says he briefly saw a citadel 

over there

but didn't want to elaborate. 

Then the young man saw it briefly.

They both sat on a rock

and stared into the field. 

Soon, there were hundreds of men, women, 

animals and creatures from all walks of life

from every possible planet, every possible time, sitting on rocks, 

politely conversing, 

Nobody understanding how they can communicate, 

or why they saw what they did. 

The  citadel was upside down in the sky, with water above it, sky below, 

if above and below are even apt description in a topsy turvy situation like this. 

All agreed that everything was so peaceful here, 

in this land where the everything meets the nothing. 

No time, no hunger, no desires. No worries.

So there they sat, waiting for the next time it appeared, if you can call it the next time in a place with no beginning or end. 

A place with no needs to be met. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

definition of unfathomable

 tinfoil hat day...

you have to 

feel there is one,

to notice

a bigger picture...

no one can draw it for you

Plato's allegory of the cave

doesn't mean if you escape the masses

you are free

it means if you escape one prison

you may be moving on to the next one


thinking out of the box...

still may be just expanding the box

it doesn't mean you are on the other side

it may just mean something else is in here with you.....

Can you get a thought drone to fly far enough over reality to get a different view of the situation?

anyway...this probably needs fleshed out more. 

I'm just much as you are just you

if that is what real is


I don't think I've ever had a tire that didn't give me it's all until the bitter end. Yesterday, we lost Driver-rear to what can only be called 'natural causes'. Donations in the name of Driver-Rear can be sent to the Natural Causes Foundation. Maybe one day there will be a cure


I think Occam would look at everything going on now and say the simplest explanation is far more complicated, even bigger picture than we are capable of thinking. Sometimes a duck is a duck. Sometimes, a Duck is an apocalyptic Trojan horse.


Not a lot of honorable things going on. We have all flirted with dishonor...but there are levels, you know. There's got to be a permanent record...but what if the wrong guy reads it....


It becomes increasingly obvious that something is going on beyond the knowledge of most, or all, of the ones speaking. Everything is we are being told to do something, but cannot be told the real reasons why. Perhaps we wouldn't believe the truth. or...


the middle is being provoked


i recognize some wouldn't recognize surrealism if it bit them in the ass...nor any other art form...even though that is what life is.

Monday, August 9, 2021

this blog is hard work ...for you, not me

 it is not by accident.

my advice is to take a day off and quit. (  not prechewing for you: quit trying to understand, don't quit your job)

I will not make it easy to understand.

here , you obviously need some of my repurposed social media posts


I am feeling somewhat irregular today.
that being said, I realize most of my friends and acquaintance would expect nothing less, or more.
Hardest thing I did today? It's a 3 way tie with
A. putting on right sock
B. drying off after shower
C. Opening package of sliced turkey
There is no sense in squashing Hope. Hope keeps you right where you are. It makes you do all those things you don't want to.
Now, squashing Ambition?
-that's where the money is
--from Author and the Untimelys-by Mark Burkenbine
(My take on Pandora and the heavily manipulated world around us.)
I spent several years doing field service work that required incredible attention to detail and photographic evidence of everything in my report (5000 pics a month) or I did not get paid. This sort of thing becomes ingrained in daily routine. Have evidence of everything. Last night, I had corn for dinner.
I need to deprogram.
F'ing joggers. Punks are always on the wrong side of the road...looking at you indignantly while they jog in place at the intersection because I didn't signal. Them and their gang colors and sweating in public. It's intolerable. Hey, I've got a butt print on my couch. It's broken in now. #ownership. I should wish people happy birthday now.
fortunately , I have decades of scribbles laying around or online. It is easier to cut and paste than to type with iffy fingers.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

Things I've learned in 2012, I mean 2021, get off my ass. 9 years is only a few bags of coffee filters

 3 days after a physical  examination, you can feel all the pains you've been trying to avoid.  Back spasms, elbows, knees...the whole  works.

Damn. I  can't  do much of anything anymore. be continued 


nothing else I've learned this year, that i can share with you in words, so I will now use various chirps and bird calls so you may interpret the message/code. 

lot of that going on...


like I have mentioned before... life is about what you didn't do at least as much as what you did. Choices are actions...actions create response. Inaction is still a response.

what is not said is key to understanding


is art about creating something, or about chipping away at the clutter so the world sees what is there?

sculpture...getting rid of the extra nothing.

is the sky blue with clouds floating...or is the sky all clouds except for that floating, fluid blue spilling over them


Was any of that funny? 

Sorry. I do these public service announcements every now and then. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.