Friday, March 28, 2014


Success hasn't got me yet

The starving artist mantra.   I dislike the tone of it.    It is not unlike the whining from the opposite end of the financially not -so -well- off spectrum ......the working broke.   They bust their ass all day and night , still have nothing and many blame the politicians they elect, or God, or Evil or corporations..      All in all, we all have the power to make the changes needed.    Keep trying.  Before you blame anyone for your lot in life....go look in the mirror.
As for the starving long as they accept that they may never have a commercially viable idea and are willing to be poor if that is the case, then that is a well adjusted individual.

I am kettle, and I, to,  have called the pot black.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What did you do today?

I found some old coraplast work signs, sign posts and zip ties and decided to see what I could build with it, without using any tools except a steak knife to poke holes for zip ties.   I got a couple tables out of it.....kind of rough, but this was just getting them together. I will go back over them and smooth it up, get the surfaces flat.       I have a rough template for what I will do with larger sheets of blank Coraplast sheeting.   


My heart is in your hand

Need a hand?

Did you ever wake up and feel like doing things differently?

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.