Thursday, January 18, 2018

It's too late by the time you see it....

Once you recognize Absurdity
it sees you as well.
You can't fight it
there is nothing to win
plenty to lose
Absurdity will let you join in
Heck, it wants you to bring a friend
Absurdity always has something
To sell
but nothing to prove

Mark Burkenbine 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Joe Frank died yesterday . May he rest in peace.


Poor Man
watching the grandkids
Kids say
Grandpa -can we play with the toys
Grandpa says
I don't have any toys
Kids say
-can we play with the animals
Sorry kids
I dont have any animals
kids are dejected
Wait ...says grandpa
You can play with the slices of bread
but don't name them

Cause grandpa did not want them to have an existential crisis
over the BLT he was planning to fix them for breakfast

if Mom and Dad found out, Grandpa would be toast

Mark Burkenbine  2018

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.