excuse my obscenities. i am suspending the rules of grammar today. at 4 am, i was fine, just the normal arthritic back and such. normal wear and tear.( pain i earned) at 5 30, i realized i was cradling my right hand, and for lack of a better word--sobbing like a little ....well, you get the point.
last time this happened, a few years ago, my hand swelled tremendously and i lost use of it. its still not good. never did get much feeling back, but got movement back. actually, there have been two other scares, that were just a few days long.
kind of noticing that both hands, both feet, and right knee are barking pretty loud. took 3 naproxen. im actually prescribed to take 1000 milligrams a day, but i try not to take any. had a pharmacist kinda lose it over that script.. told her dr means well. its pretty bad and i take as needed...but it has dawned on me that im so used to pain from inflammation, that it might be why my bp is largely uncontrollable. i dislike meds, but being pain free isnt worth quick,ridiculously painful execution of several organs. i deal with it.
anyway, typing with one finger.
brain is working overtime on my project. all my blog, social media and life in general is feeding an art project that i may never see completed in this realm. but i at least want to finish the concept here, to the best of my ability, before it changes hands..