Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mark Burkenbine: contains live active cultures rehearsal

Crank up the volume. It was more of a reading, anyway, but now its got a certain hell demon quality, which is great for an internet humorist trying to get that 'Cable Access' feel to it.. www.allthingsburkenbine.com Mark Burkenbine On PURPOSE. bits involved were on Contains Live Active Cultures and Face For Radio

DJ for the stuff in my head.

Live and Sundry 2016

Monday, December 7, 2015

A man and his Gong

It took an 800 mile round trip, but I have retrieved my gong from storage.   The ensuing documentary will describe my sense of loss without it, and the journey to get it back.  Against all odds, much like the lost dog that travels a thousand miles to find its master.  www.allthingsburkenbine.com

Friday, December 4, 2015


So, there are two types of people in this world of 2045.  No, I am not talking about humans and robots with dead peoples brains in them. (nonfiction) I mean, two types of people-ish beings.  Those that talk about doing things virtually, and those that talk about doing things in life.   Doers, are a myth.   I mean, clearly they exist.   As a whole, we are always realizing someone is doing something, but they are never seen.   We think there are probably  Evil Doers, and Do-Gooders, but how do we know there aren't Impartial Doers and I Don't Give A Damn One Way Or Another Doers?  We don't. Like I said, Doing is never seen by us lower beings. We are merely some kind of odd decoration, some fauna that someone is feeding. We simply consume.  There are no jobs anymore. Nobody I know of knows how anything exists.  I remember there used to be schools...but nothing they taught applies anymore.  When everything our scientists and theologians preached was debunked by what came out of the Black Hole, and what came back thru the portals in all the ancient lands.  

Turns out , maybe we were never that smart.  Manipulated the whole way, as a people. 

Mark Burkenbine Copyright 2015
part of the path of Author and the Untimelys


Value makes your world go round

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Saturday, November 7, 2015

sneak preview of production


My wife and I have had a ...well, a creative breakdown. She has been trying to grasp what I have been doing for the last two years. She likes and gets each ofthe things I do, as a separate piece. But does not understand the concept of them being put all together. I showed her youtube clips of Joe Frank and several of the other talents I admire (Kaufman, Zappa,Martin Mull, Newhart, Python, Hodgman, and all bad cheesy films of any genre , and of course, cable access TV and used car commercials. ) She kind of went into shock, apologizing about not getting it for 45 minutes. I think she now understands that I am not going to 'correct' anything because as the Author William S. Burroughs once said, the word 'Should' is never applicable to a creative endeavor...or something like that. Anyway, I had been asking her to be my creative editor and I guess I am on my own as far as that goes. Love her , and still need her feedback. It is important to me. How else will I get my version of 'The Prairie Home Companion' out there to those that need that ?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dachshund. Our dog Reese.

Found this in the drafts. I wrote it years ago. I can see some awkward wordings I would not have used today, but this is about honesty.  I will redo this so you do not have to enlarge it(someday). 

Rest In Peace, Reese. You are more than remembered. It is like you never left. 

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.