Sunday, March 9, 2014

Not For Profit.

 If you were going to change your whole life, and start over at zero , what charitable organization or service would you be interested in?   Is there a particular problem or 'cause' that you would try to contribute to the solution?
Do you start your own Not For Profit and throw all the time you have left at helping others and value what you really enjoy?   I am fairly sure I would have been better served living my whole life this way, but I cannot change the past.   

Do you work with a large organization and donate your time and services, or just find a particular cause and do what you can while going it alone?

Do you feed the homeless, house the homeless, find jobs or money for the homeless, or try to find a way to teach a smart struggling individual to use what talents he or she has to build a small business of some sort?  The teach a man to fish way of doing things.  Figure out the skill set and get the man some tools.  

What are the most effective ways to help your fellow man and community?

I think the trick here is what you are 'trying' to do.   'trying' to make a difference. 'trying' to succeed.

Do not 'TRY'.   GETTING IT DONE is the only way to succeed. 

Have a great day, and thank you for your time.

The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.