Saturday, August 16, 2014

Put Failing on my resume.

Honestly, it is almost like I am the only one who thinks I am funny, and can write and sing. You  Intolerable, narcissistic bastards. I have used my last resort.: I have insulted the audience.

There simply has to be a way to turn failing into a profitable skill.
There simply must.

Have I been blackballed from Social Media?  Conspiracy, I say. Conspiracy.  Sure, I am alternatingly creepy, insightful, cold, warm, funny, trying to hard, sad, too dirty or too clean, and just overall a buzzkill timesuck...but God Dammit.  I am GOOD at it. Almost as good at getting made fun of.

People, someone has to get picked on. I have stepped up to the plate and put my life on trial, out there in the vast badlands of the Internet.   I may as well be naked, I am so exposed.

Take your shots.  Someone has to fail so that others succeed.

There are a few interesting projects almost done, but if they are interesting they go against my branding. I am whiny guy. I am used to think I was a pro bowler guy.  I am dying guy and always broke guy. I am wannabee guy. I am homeless guy. Let us not forget how good I am at playing Knowitall guy.   None of these actually count as acting, unfortunately.  If you really are whiny, verge of dying, a wannabee, homeless and so on then it actually makes it a reality show.

See my work for free on,, and many other blogger blogs.   Also  Mark Burkenbine  on tumblr, Mark A. Burkenbine on twitter, Youtube, facebook , google plus and twitter and soundcloud.

Singing, writing of all types, some jokes, telling a few stories here and is kind of a variety act of amateur hodgepodge.   Believe it or not, that was the goal. Social media has been raided by professional marketers, and I am proud of my amateur standing.Not too proud, I would like to be paid someday.

Maybe, some day, I can be Made My Own Qualifications Guy.

Most of this is G rated, some is R.

Yep, when you are setting by a bed, or in one for as long as I have been, social media at least gives you SOMETHING to do.

Now to work on this  Unhireable thing.   I could edit, I could.

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 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.