Monday, January 16, 2017

semi annual job and living quarters hunt

It's time for my semi-annual job hunt and search for living quarters. What is available for an ex bowling pro shop operator and data collection specialist. (I'm kind of a spy...eyes in the field) clean driving record with exceptional time management skills. Need to keep some weekends open to bowl. Prefer a house to rent with 2 bedroom, basement, fenced backyard, garage, wheelchair rampable and oh yeah, we have a well behaved dachshund. Prefer Salina, but the rent and dog fees are obscene. Non smokers. Flat terrain with sidewalks and crimeless utopia with eternally smiling neighbors.
Laugh it up. It seems kinda hopeless. 
 Got that out of my system. Keep in mind, this is a monologue.

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 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.