Saturday, January 25, 2020

Contrary to popular belief

I'm not saying 
you have to change your position 
on anything. 
I am saying 
it is beneficial 
to recognize 
there is always another way to look at something. 

I don't mean
 to always be contrarian, 
 I just naturally do it. 
I don't know if that is Aspergers 
or if I am just an asshole 
(could be both) 

 my purpose in life 
is to make people see the other side.  
Any other side. 

I do not always 
 in the viewpoint I am speaking of. 
This may appear I am not credible. 
While I may not be credible
It is not because of this.  
My life is about seeing the other way. 

Maybe I am contrarian 
on purpose
born that way
rolled with it
taking  my lumps 

I avoid persuasion 
and leave things to your interpretation 
because persuasion never stops 
at the acceptable good

undue influence 
runs rampant
in this rabbit hole 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.