Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reality is quite a notion

Most people don't see it
they just walk around it
like it's not even there
but it moves them
as it sees fit
they think they are walking a few blocks
but it is a maze , and it is miles
light years away

The most solid things on this material Earth
are not concrete
but abstracta

your eyes do not see it
but your mind knows it is there

Cash in hand is only real
until someone says your money is no good here

You can love someone
whether they are there or not

Do you fear Law, or God? Do you respect the rights of others?  Boundaries that do not physically exist.....Government and Church is the attempt to STEEL the boundaries of an abstract structure

Dream, or reality?      Manifestation is as subjective as reality itself.   Some people bounce off walls, others trip constantly on the various abstract construction.   Some take a jackhammer to it all.

The abstract would say we are less than concrete. 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.