Wednesday, June 17, 2020

at the risk of repeating myself...

The ability to never be taken seriously is a finely honed craft that took years of study to realize I was born with it.
Some people have a little fun by silently passing gas in crowded places. letting others take in the essence against their will...
I mumble things as I'm shopping. " applesauce...haven't had applesauce since the nipple accident..."

It has a similar effect on the thought process.

Thinking of doing a live stream of trimming my fingernails..but I may just release it as an independent film.
It's about the presentation

Harrowing experience this morning. Beautiful blue sky and 65 degrees, but it's always stressful when I have to shop for produce. Something's happened to my skin and I can't open those plastic bags anymore. I'm sure as heck not licking my fingers to gain traction ..that's probably a crime now.
Then there is the pressure of self checkout with produce. The other day I accidentally rang up a yellow bell pepper as a red bell pepper. They cost the same but I asked if I had to change it. I dont want tackled by the pepper detective at the door
The Bronco is being re released on OJs Birthday. ???
For the man whose ex is sleeping with the waiter from your favorite restaurant. Options include gloves that don't fit.
It writes itself. Billions in free advertising. Weaponized absurdity...

Through years of effort, I have successfully become the top listing if you google search 'Mark Burkenbine'. Good job, ME.
******* Pet Peeve- There is a definition for the word unimaginable. I put that up there with Creative Writing Teacher, and reading three pages of description for something that I was just informed was indescribable.
******* As GOD is my witness, I thought there was a gold watch and profit sharing when I got to 10K tweets.
It is almost like if nobody put free content on the internet, there would be nothing here but peaceful serenity.
******* If I could physically walk down the social media sidewalk, I would wear a shirt that said " I don't think that word means what you think it does" with the appropriate Mandy Patinkin / Inigo Montoya/ Princess Bride meme. Of course, I would be lucky to only be beaten and maimed.
******** Just like Everyday can be Laundry Day, if you exists performance art. Look around you. Watch the news. This is the part of the show where I discredit myself so I can maintain control of both sides of the narrative. YOU ARE LIVING IN A WORLD OF WEAPONIZED ABSURDITY. A world , where if you stay in your lane, everything is normal. If you believe one thing, that's fine. If you believe the other, hey, you have that option....but over here,every batshit crazy thing you ever heard of may actually be true. So you have a world of Love, if you choose ....a world of black and white and shades of grey...and down this rabbit hole is Hell.
But it is engineered well....Most are led to fight for what is worst for them. Most think it isn't them.
******** Ask questions only if you are willing to hear the answers.
Everything has always been bullshit. We just get used to it and can't smell it anymore...until that new scent comes along.
Out with the old, in with the new.
******* I like social media because under no circumstances can I possibly be the smartest person in the room.
******* Politicians and government officials in a "Free" country love for their constituents to think they are stupid. That is how they get away with it.
I once had to inspect an abandoned rural home that had weeds 10 feet tall. I was almost through with the inspection when I heard and felt a wasp, thigh high, in my pants leg .
Needless to say, the wasp drowned.
Your body will protect itself by any means necessary.
But what do I know...I was once sent to do a job I couldn't do because of goats.

Have a good day

Mark Burkenbine
I used to bowl, but I'm not bitter

-Art of Chasing-
In an impossible situation
The act of chasing a dream
May be the dream.
Live love. Love to live.
Embrace consequences.
There are none
Without action.

Mark Burkenbine , 2017

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.