Friday, December 25, 2020

To remain unfinished , added to as I wish

 Just found out that needle point and quilting are not the same thing. 


I had a good idea a few hours ago. Forgot to write it down. 

It is gone, but the good ones come back stronger. just a word, until it is everything. 

I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts 

I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts

I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts

as scientific stone turns to dust

If you spend more than you make All income is stimulus And the poverty industry Is too big to fail

tax collection Is stimuli for the government?

If you want to get back at the government, cash those stimulus checks and save it in a cookie jar.

Is the internet/cyberspace part of nature? Working on a modern transcendentalism bent...

It would be remiss if the influence over my life of Commander McBragg and Waldo Kitty were not duly noted.

Of the freedoms you have given up, which ones came back?


Wife just yelled from the bedroom "do WE have any reason to go out today?" Meaning it's cold, & I will be venturing out on my own, if so desired and/or commanded, as the heater is turned up til I am melting, while the lady of the house is in short pants, drinking hot chocolate


Working on my foraging skills. Found a granola bar in the couch that I had missed previously. Bring on the next phase of this dystopian now.


Haven't you ever watched someone try to fail up?


Currently considering adding a stealth second bathroom to our one bathroom apartment, but the negativity is really putting a damper on the creative focus.


It is that time of year to figure out the New Years resolution. Maybe I will try to be better than I was yesterday. I am old. I don't necessarily remember the shit I pulled on any specific yesterday. I do remember some of the career highlights of shit I pulled on a lifetime of sundry yesterdays.

So I know my capabilities, and it is for the best to be better today than the yesterday that sticks in your mind.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ever'body.


Before we went to Sam's, the wife had mentioned Nutty Bars are cheap by the box. We get home, and we forgot the wholesale nutty bars. 


Maybe I will almond bark some shelled peanuts. I don't know. 


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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.