Thursday, August 12, 2021

definition of unfathomable

 tinfoil hat day...

you have to 

feel there is one,

to notice

a bigger picture...

no one can draw it for you

Plato's allegory of the cave

doesn't mean if you escape the masses

you are free

it means if you escape one prison

you may be moving on to the next one


thinking out of the box...

still may be just expanding the box

it doesn't mean you are on the other side

it may just mean something else is in here with you.....

Can you get a thought drone to fly far enough over reality to get a different view of the situation?

anyway...this probably needs fleshed out more. 

I'm just much as you are just you

if that is what real is


I don't think I've ever had a tire that didn't give me it's all until the bitter end. Yesterday, we lost Driver-rear to what can only be called 'natural causes'. Donations in the name of Driver-Rear can be sent to the Natural Causes Foundation. Maybe one day there will be a cure


I think Occam would look at everything going on now and say the simplest explanation is far more complicated, even bigger picture than we are capable of thinking. Sometimes a duck is a duck. Sometimes, a Duck is an apocalyptic Trojan horse.


Not a lot of honorable things going on. We have all flirted with dishonor...but there are levels, you know. There's got to be a permanent record...but what if the wrong guy reads it....


It becomes increasingly obvious that something is going on beyond the knowledge of most, or all, of the ones speaking. Everything is we are being told to do something, but cannot be told the real reasons why. Perhaps we wouldn't believe the truth. or...


the middle is being provoked


i recognize some wouldn't recognize surrealism if it bit them in the ass...nor any other art form...even though that is what life is.

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