Friday, September 3, 2021


 Midlife crisis? 

I've been the same person since I was five. 

I don't know who I was before then. 

The toddler years were a struggle. 


The world is a funny place,
if you acquire a certain taste
an admiration
for brutal absurdity

I remember the first time I heard the words "you think you're funny, don't you? " and I didn't. It was a complete misunderstanding. I've been running on that annoying premise ever since.

My vet once told me to give my dog an antihistamine in a small dose , because the dog was freaking out over fireworks in the area. All the other dogs were telling my dog that she can't take human medicine.

I believe Twitter considers me subpar. I would like to be on record as not agreeing with Twitter.

Name a successful tv show that had a bad theme song? Most of them are crap it seems the common denominator of successful TV is recognizable noise, followed by recognizable characters, plots, bad jokes, and endings. Noises + no surprises= success
Not reinventing the wheel. Formula is in politics and news as well.
And algorithms...
The Wham video for wake me up before you go go, but all the shirts say "Everything Hurts and I am dying". I'm in a mood today. Actually quite cheerful.

Dance like your toaster is always watching you

The other day I was writing, and lost my train of thought, so I went to my Facebook to see if the advertisements would get me back on track. Works every time.

If I die today, is this the tweet I want to be remembered by?

Do I even care if a tweet remembers me?

(inner voice) How can you feel that way? They are your little thought babies.

While I am on the subject of observation. We all die quick. We may be in pain a long time, or a short time, but we are alive, and then we aren't. Example: Falls don't kill you. Landings do. Unless you had a heart attack while falling.

Technically, we all die from a lack of oxygen intake. I think. I am no scientist.

Lots of people with perfectly good reasons to loose their shit, and they are holding it together nicely. Not sure what that means. It says a lot about something.

Apparently, it is hard for most people in my current realm of existence to converse with me. It took years, but hard work pays off.
When did the heartfelt apology die, or was it always just a romantic notion taught to kids who were raised a certain way, but goes the way of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairies when one experiences the cold blooded ruthlessness of adulthood?

Bond villains do not have to eat their words


Social Engineers AKA Bond villains
All the truth is in the fiction

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.