Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Subject to interpretation

I have roamed this United States, laying roots and pulling them up several times. Repeatedly defying conventional thought on how our life should be. Spreading Chaos for some, but just trying to survive. I wish the best for all.  I know who I want to be with, and I know where I want to die. I know the music I want to be playing. I know who and what I loved, and who I did not.   And I know what I want to be remembered for.   I know what I did wrong.   I know what I would correct, and what I would not- and what I could not.

I hope, when it is my time to go, I have had the time to process and regurgitate what I see in my mind , so you can see it to.  I like it here, in my mind.  Beautiful place, I promise.

If I knew I had 2 months to live, I would write every breathing moment until the end. The last breath , the last typo. 

Fuck you grammar Natzis.   If you know what the writer means, the communication is made.   Assholes. Only Witches have to have it perfect.

Remember, pushing the enter key is the loudest noise you can possibly make. 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.