Sunday, June 13, 2021

4 am again.

 Never met a person that did not know something pertinent that I did not. 

Of course, that doesn't mean it is always worth the time lost to find out what that situation is. 

4 AM. Great time for me to write...ruins the rest of the day. 

The only way my wife has put up with me this long is I am up early, she sleeps in.  

 Among all my other issues, 

seems like I have a gum abscess. 

Oh well. I will chomp on a toe of garlic and it will be juuust fiiiinnnnnne. 

Seems like I have a lot of things like that appearing all willy nilly. 

Really?  There is an incorrect way to spell nilly?  

How can I trust spell check when it tells me my own last name is spelled wrong? 

Ah, Hot coffee and peanut butter toast. Bet that will make the old enlarged heart skip a few times when I go for the morning walk. (makes you feel alive)

Hoping my avid reader has a good day. I figure there has to be one of you. 

To Hell with everybody else. 

Sorry. That was the coffee. I am a grumpy fuck. Miss the grandkids. Getting old. Falling apart, and very aware that my shit is wearing thin on everyone.  

My shit is wearing thin.  Quite the saying. It is an idiom unless you have colon cancer. 

Being a natural contrarian has made me enjoy solitude.

Seeing multiple sides of everything makes me say things that I may not even agree with...but I take the hit and try to plant seeds, hoping to open up a viewpoint.   People hate that.

There is safety in self identifying as a fictional character.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.