Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Story In (and of) Progress...Live Action Blogging

Five thousand years in the future, the inhabitants of this planet will find ancient buried ruins of our civilization. 

Old buildings, artwork, bones, machines. 

The Government will cover it up completely as they acquire the artifacts. 

Citizens will slowly tell their stories of what they found. 

There will be deniers, of course. 

There could not have been inhabitants here before us. 

We Are The First. Government Said So.

After the cat is out of the bag,

we will eventually be officially declared as having existed.

Then The Government will say we happened 500 MILLION years ago,

and were very primitive. 

They put air in tires, for Gov's sake, and apparently thought this realm was flat. 

We all know it is only flat when you are reading about it.

The story is every dimension imaginable.

Isn't language amazing? 

The author takes a break from his story to have some lunch and do some dishes. He types this into the story to think of a way to explain his point. 

He then decides it may not be possible to explain that concepts are more real than what we think is real.

Few people seem to have the patience to entertain big concepts. They don't have to be believed.  

If time is just a series of frames, each one is a now. Your mind remembers those frames, and can change them. 

Do you have an inner dialogue? Conversations with yourself to decide a course of action? Who do you think you are being influenced by? It is future you. That guy is editing his past now to change his current now.  

Have you ever read about those smart math guys that say everything breaks down into numbers? Everything. All the everything And all the nothing.  

If it is all code, then language is like a magic template for converting words to ???   (Searching for the right way to say it.) 

To be continued...

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 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.