Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Primum Non Nocere

 A person said

If you take this pill

it will make 

what makes you ill

go away

A month later, the person asked

how are you doing?

I said 

the reason I took the pill

is halfway gone

but there are now

3 other ills 

and the days are not as long

& the respected person in the white coat said

go away, see you in 30 days

but take these pills for the other 3 ills

and it just kept going

til I was just taking a dozen plus pills 


and it never got better

and one day, I thought 

that is it for me. I don't want any of these

Sure, I lived a few more days

but how many were livable days

and that respectable person in the white coat

were they trying to make you better

or sell more pills and treatments

this has gone from bad poetry 

to a bad soliloquy 

To those that question how I feel about "white coats"...

I ask you

How many of them will be at your funeral? 

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