Sunday, June 22, 2014

Zombie AFTER! (3)

It's a quiet evening here in the valley.  The cicadas seem to be in tune. What a great night to enjoy the stars and the breeze up here on the roof. A great night to remember great nights from the past...

  After father got home, we had a wonderful turkey dinner , complete with dressing and sweet potatoes.

Dad was just nominated head of the new community rebuilding committee. Mom is on neighborhood watch and family integration.  Being fierce warriors who also had a 'normal' son & didn't eat him seems to have elevated their political status greatly.

But the higher they climb, the less I blend in. I am noticed even more, and others seem to want to protect me more. Why?...

I just wanted to be like my friends.

We are one of the lucky families.  We still own and possess our family assets from before the change.  Most only have what they claimed after the new government was set in place.  There are many that are waiting for a court date to fight to get back what was theirs, but there is little hope of that.   While there are far fewer of us than there were, there are still millions. It will take many generations to get this all straight again, and many expect another war from somewhere.

Those thoughts are kept sealed to the many...sometimes I hear more than I should. I have been told I should worry more about others hearing me.

But back to the roof.   It is so peaceful up here.   I found this place years ago, after I had a nightmare about being chased by the others.  That is right. I am a normal human son of Zombie parents, and I had a dream of being chased by Zombies.   It made things awkward, but apparently I had a reason to worry.    A neighbor went a little off the wagon one day, and decided I looked tasty.  Fortunately, I look normal but I am not as weak as the species of human before me. I got away, and climbed up here to hide.    The neighbor was sentenced to death for violating our first rule.  Don't eat each other.

It is hard to believe some of us even have pets now....they used to dodge us like the plague we once were.

It seems almost normal now...

Mark Burkenbine  copyright 2014   Zombie AFTER! 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.