Thursday, June 30, 2016

news from a fat hipster

It is always special when you run into someone that doesn't know much about you, and does that quick shoddy once over of your current situation.....without grasping that you have the skills and similar experience to fully understand the nuances of their job. I suppose that is part my fault. I tend to create appearances that may not be truly representative of my knowledge of a situation. The words belittle and belie may have relevance. Sometimes I overstate and use false bravado intermingled with signs of being meek and even unkept. I have never really been concerned with myself..I am learning about you by how you react over me. It is always fascinating.
- While disappointment has been my address, I built that house in my land of confusion, and I am Master of my domain.
Enjoy--Mark Burkenbine. #FatHipster #ProfitableNarcissist #allthingsburkenbinedotcom #ResidentASSistant

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.