Sunday, January 8, 2017

Welcome to the Rabbit Hole.

I suppose you could call this study my rabbit hole. Some people create them with the intent of getting everybody to fall, or get sucked in. Mine are there for the intended few.

You will know if you like it, or not , almost immediately. There are no extra tricks here. I will not play by someone else's rules on writing, blogging or anything.  I expect people to fill in blanks and come to their own conclusions. Life does not give you all the answers. Everyday, you have to make educated and not so educated guesses, and then see where that takes you.   (is that car turning left, or going straight ?)    Life does not give you answers.It does give you consequences for every action. I will not spell out every move in a story. 

Words, images and sounds are meant to project the thoughts of the writer to the consumer of such things.   You are eating someone else's thoughts.  I am offering you heart, soul and mind buried in the mundane and surreal.. Pieces of me are planted in many corners of the internet garden.   That is what it is, isn't it?  A patch of garden in another world. 
I only wish you could smell it.

There are 
600 plus posts on this blog, and there are many other blogs.
soundcloud, youtube, facebook, google plus, twitter and who knows what else.  

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.