Friday, January 13, 2017


Do you think we are all rugged individualists capable of free thought? May I suggest an easy social experiment? Simply spend a day in shorts in weather most people would not. Today I have encountered only 9 people. I am batting a thousand. Every one of them has had something negative to say about MY comfort level and yet, I am hurting no one. 
- No, being cold does not make you sick. That is an old wives tale and boy do they hate being told that.
-So many public crimes committed by violent offenders and nobody says anything. Wear shorts in cold weather and society is emboldened.
-This proves to me that the herd is definitely a hive mind.
-I would tell society as a whole to stuff it up its ass, but too many would find it a pleasant experience.
-believe it or not, some people wear shorts because they find it more comfortable to let that area of the body breathe.
But I digress. Why justify anything to control freaks who don't realize they are the ones being controlled? Enjoy your 9-5 job, missing your kids best years, your 30 year mortgage that you get foreclosed on in year 28 after paying for the original loan 3 times over, or the stock market having mysterious corrections that wipe out the little guys money cause the big guys keep taking it. How is that pension after the company got raided? How is your health after that flu shot or any shot, for that matter? Go set in front of your TV like the zombie you are, and wonder why your kid won't listen to you when he watches the same TV. That would be the flicker rates and the subliminal messaging. I will try not to call the offending parties names, as you obviously do not know what has happened to you or your kids.
 Challenge yourself. Step away from the herd. Wear shorts when you find it comfortable. Not when everyone else has decided you shouldn't.
Find my resume somewhere on line. No, I did NOT spell check my rant. It is NOT a rant if it is SPELL CHECKED.

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