Thursday, March 23, 2017


HEY ( my best Harry Carey)
5 words to make sex awkward?
All I could think of was
1-- your toaster is watching us
2- systems error. call tech support
3- I think I shit myself.
4--Opening act sets the tone

oh well, hashtag games gets the brain going.
A tip for couples that are getting serious. Make breakfast for each other. Toast is crucial. You will soon discover that we all see a different shade of 'Golden Brown'. My wife made hers, and I ate it. I made mine, and my wife looked at it and laughed. She said it is burnt. I said I like it and it is how my mom made it. Golden Brown.
She said "Aw. Your mom didn't love you"
That is a keeper.

My wife has been in a wheelchair since she was 18. She bought something at a store, a long time ago, and tried to give me the change. I said , you keep it in case you see something else you like. She said she doesn't get to have walking around money.

That is how we roll around here.

Hope you all have a great day

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