Noticing things
putting it together
watching it unravel
chasing a ball of string....
Noticing things I wasn't supposed to
A Silent Radio Show created by Mark Burkenbine. Warning: Author suffers from occasional bouts of mental & financially crippling honesty. Dress appropriately & wear the old boots when strolling through this pasture. Copyright Mark Burkenbine 2013-2014-2015-2016-2017,2018.2019,2020,2021, 2022,2023,2024(occasional shared youtube video.I hold no rights unless I created it.) An attempt at the surreal edge of fiction, reality, truth, lies, quality & bullshit. Imagine music playing
Noticing things
putting it together
watching it unravel
chasing a ball of string....
Noticing things I wasn't supposed to
I could fall asleep right now
At 4 pm
And wake up and sleep
A few more times
And when I look at the Happy New Years messages
on my phone at midnight
(If there are any)
In my head
It will be January 4th already
Everybody has their own sense of time. I've been asked how long I lived somewhere, and my answer was One and a half bags of coffee filters.
Happy New Year
Just found out that needle point and quilting are not the same thing.
I had a good idea a few hours ago. Forgot to write it down.
It is gone, but the good ones come back stronger. just a word, until it is everything.
I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts
I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts
I feel as if I am asked to believe in facts
as scientific stone turns to dust
If you spend more than you make All income is stimulus And the poverty industry Is too big to fail
tax collection Is stimuli for the government?
If you want to get back at the government, cash those stimulus checks and save it in a cookie jar.
Is the internet/cyberspace part of nature? Working on a modern transcendentalism bent...
It would be remiss if the influence over my life of Commander McBragg and Waldo Kitty were not duly noted.
Of the freedoms you have given up, which ones came back?
Wife just yelled from the bedroom "do WE have any reason to go out today?" Meaning it's cold, & I will be venturing out on my own, if so desired and/or commanded, as the heater is turned up til I am melting, while the lady of the house is in short pants, drinking hot chocolate
Working on my foraging skills. Found a granola bar in the couch that I had missed previously. Bring on the next phase of this dystopian now.
Haven't you ever watched someone try to fail up?
Currently considering adding a stealth second bathroom to our one bathroom apartment, but the negativity is really putting a damper on the creative focus.
It is that time of year to figure out the New Years resolution. Maybe I will try to be better than I was yesterday. I am old. I don't necessarily remember the shit I pulled on any specific yesterday. I do remember some of the career highlights of shit I pulled on a lifetime of sundry yesterdays.
So I know my capabilities, and it is for the best to be better today than the yesterday that sticks in your mind.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Ever'body.
Before we went to Sam's, the wife had mentioned Nutty Bars are cheap by the box. We get home, and we forgot the wholesale nutty bars.
Maybe I will almond bark some shelled peanuts. I don't know.
I woke up yesterday feeling off, like something was going to happen. The swelling in my feet was manageable, but even though I had a decent sleep, I fell asleep again for a three hour nap.
I still turned in early, and at one AM, got up and my ankles decided they did not want to support me in this endeavor. Hands and wrists, ankles, feet, legs and elbows swollen and hot.
I fell backward into bed, and asked the wife where my walker is at. Fortunately, my hands were not as bad as my ankles. I did not even know I had this issue until my feet were on the floor.
If I understand these things correctly, which I probably do not, this is an autoimmune response that creates a cytokine storm that, in between pain hopping from joint to joint, and psoriasis popping up everywhere and feeling like it is eating my flesh, it also puts me to sleep.
The good wife helped me get my shoes and socks on, and I hobbled out to the car to double check if I could safely drive or not. Took me awhile to get there, but I can safely drive.
In our house, it is good to know if you need emergency transportation ahead of time.
I tried to think of what I could have done to bring this on. I was already being careful and taking it easy because I have had various issues for months...years. The only thing I did was....a small stretch for the back of my legs.
It gets me every time. Psoriatic arthritis is joints and connective tissues. I can't stretch when things are tight, or there is a price. It is usually an effing month of my life. But it feels so good to stretch...
We need to order the part for that extra wheelchair. The only thing I know about a random shit storm is there is always one coming.
The placebo works wonders.
Does it work backwards, as well? If you were administered something harmless, but convinced it would have horrible effects, could you manifest that into reality?
Isn't this how life works?
To prove I don't deal with existential dread 24/7, here is a happy story about winning.
Yesterday, I went to a Dollar store & bought what appears to be a single use, one and done pizza cutter & an over the door coat hook. We got the last gold one & it matches our yellow and beige decor perfectly.
We used it 4 times already.
I'd been unhealthy
For quite awhile
It takes a toll
Your standards
Get trampled
It's hard to not be reliable
For loved ones
Or yourself
Nobody wants to
be a burden
It was a bad stretch
And I walked slowly to bed
Cause slow was as fast
As I could go
And I stared at darkness for the longest time
Not sure I was breathing
It was the most relaxing thing
It felt like
If I closed my eyes
They would not open again
So I got up
Wrote a little
Listened to some music
And fell asleep
when I didn't have that feeling
It was peaceful
I had a little choice
Maybe I will choose different next time?
Maybe next time
There's no choice at all
I don't know
I have loved ones
That I want to see
And hear
And maybe I know something
That can help them
I wish there was more
But hey
Everyone has problems
Goes on
Thank you
For your time
I always said real writers use spell check.
I have several 7 year old posts full of typos. So many errors I made a game out of it.
Do I go against my principles and make the correction, or let them stand for all eternity as a middle finger to the grammar nazi?
I've always maintained that, if you understood the writers intent, communication has been made.
I guess I'm just a purist that rebels very quietly.
I believe I have paid full price for toilet paper that is clearly of blemished factory 2nd quality.
We are no longer a first world country. The proof is at your fingertips.
I teach feel. Flow. You will either get it, or leave the conversation & finally understand your next bowling instructor. Either way you are welcome
My Ramblings on Soundcloud, click below
What do they call you
when you don't do things
like everybody else?
They insult you.
What do they do
when you consider that
a compliment?
They call you more names,
and soon
you do not hear them
All you hear
is serenity
as you dance
through the chaos
it's a mess
but it is yours
I have reached equilibrium.
I cannot exercise without injury
I cannot sit around and get healthier
And I took my 2 dollar generic antihistamine but now I can't focus because the machine elves keep singing that song "Stay"...and it's the Jackson Browne version. The machine elves know this annoys me to no end because he spells his name Browne with an E.
A fly lives about a month.
Does it think it's lived around 30 days
Or does it feel like a lifetime?
Noah 950. Moses 120.
Roman calendar 10 Mo.
Lost 8 yrs to Gregorian in 1500s
Norway 3 Mo of day, 3 mo of dark
circadian rhythms
earth travels through space at 1000 mph but we don't notice it
Do we live much longer than we perceive, were days shorter, Earth slower, faster?
All this fuss over regurgitating the details in my head into a perfectly understandable story for a stranger.
While spending a moment at my mindcastle, I checked my messages. Good news !
The ideas in my head are part of The Permanent Record. No worries. I am credited as the author of the work, regardless of a lack of earthly realm publishing.
I can rest easy.
Declawed Lions. Did you really want to make a King think more carefully about every move?
Noooo. Thought it was a stuck's wheel bearings and a tie rod. 700 spent on tires, brakes, rotors and just now getting to stuff that keeps the tire from flying off. I'm a dunce. Just wish I could work on my own car again, but noooooo
There are people who play hunting, and there are hunters.
I won't say I haven't been bored. I just learned, long ago, that there are so many levels And intricacies To this state That it became one of my favorite states to visit. Boredom is the gateway, you know
To be continued. It is always continued...
I'm slowly preparing for my socks to be put on. Ever feel like your life is the last season of the worst tv show ever, but it just keeps going? I meant that in the best way. I make me chuckle.
For those in the future, check out 2020.
Weaponized absurdity is going nuclear.
I was in my father in laws meat processing shop this morning, & a talkative older German man came in. Chatted with everyone, asking where the family came from. He sees me on a corner chair and says " you are a German." I didn't know it was a look. Gramma always said we were Dutch.
Trump news. I'm sure it would be great, but imagine Trump in a white suit & wheelchair as Guy Caballero, as the News turns into SCTV. That's entertainment.
You ever wake up suddenly, ready to save the world?
I'm dreaming. I hear 3 knocks. It wakes me up. I wake my wife up and ask "Did you hear that?" No. She never hears it. I am stumbling around trying to figure out who is at my door.
Some loud noise, explosion, or earthquake wakes me up...same drill. Out checking the neighborhood for damage. I am checking earthquake reports, police scanners. Internet says hearing that knock in your sleep means someone may die I am making awkward calls asking friends and family if they are ok...
There I am, thinking I am one with nature. One with the universe. Dr. Strange, hear to protect your reality.
A few times it actually was an earthquake, or a limb falling, or a box fell over in the closet.
The other 5000 times, it was my own ridiculously loud snoring, or obnoxious gas. Loud enough it scared me and woke me up.
My wife is a saint.
I figure she is putting together quite the Youtube channel with the footage she must have hidden away. Never laughed or giggled. Just let me go find out what the trouble was.
Wife said I'm crying. I said no, eye is leaking.
excuse my obscenities. i am suspending the rules of grammar today. at 4 am, i was fine, just the normal arthritic back and such. normal wear and tear.( pain i earned) at 5 30, i realized i was cradling my right hand, and for lack of a better word--sobbing like a little ....well, you get the point.
last time this happened, a few years ago, my hand swelled tremendously and i lost use of it. its still not good. never did get much feeling back, but got movement back. actually, there have been two other scares, that were just a few days long.
kind of noticing that both hands, both feet, and right knee are barking pretty loud. took 3 naproxen. im actually prescribed to take 1000 milligrams a day, but i try not to take any. had a pharmacist kinda lose it over that script.. told her dr means well. its pretty bad and i take as needed...but it has dawned on me that im so used to pain from inflammation, that it might be why my bp is largely uncontrollable. i dislike meds, but being pain free isnt worth quick,ridiculously painful execution of several organs. i deal with it.
anyway, typing with one finger.
brain is working overtime on my project. all my blog, social media and life in general is feeding an art project that i may never see completed in this realm. but i at least want to finish the concept here, to the best of my ability, before it changes hands..
You do things your way
I'll do things mine
maybe we will get along just fine
but the rules will say
we can't do that
or this
it all seems hit or miss
1 good book says it is about love
1 says it is about things
you haven't thought of
be useful seek value
don't chase happiness
nobody knows
what that is
You take photos
I play with word
some write music
with feeling never heard
some paint pictures
with colors and brushes on anything they could
some solve puzzles, some make them
I just try to recognize when I am in one
inasmuchas I'd hope you would
Art shows you the future
art shows you what you cannot see
sometimes it is premonition
sometimes it is made to spec
is it magic
or is it tech -nocracy
Our whole lives, everything we see and do
all woven together,
entwined in a multi media forever
A divine Tapestry of if , when, why, was, is, and never -to be
If this is a simulation, does that imply our lives, and deaths, mean nothing?
If that is the case, does that mean there are people here that KNOW this and treat others as such?
Link below
A World of Author Untimely ...with spelling errors as an extra prize
Enough patter about people and events.
Let us get back to ideas.
I am so blind. Can't focus looking at a computer screen anymore. I love making my doodles and refrigerator art on the old Paint, but windows 10 version sucks for me. Amy just found out the old Paint runs in the background, so I started messing around with it again. I made it through two rough drafts, and I am done. Cannot see the screen, already. This happened to me in school. I was taking online classes, and they made Ebooks mandatory, and I couldn't see them, let alone retain anything.
It is hard enough to type and doodle with the right hand, the day is coming when I have to actually paint and write left handed.
I have written some stories that I wanted to illustrate myself, in my own simple way. This is going to take awhile.
Sharing my mistakes along the way.,,,,,
There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated. It's perfect.