Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A Lifetime is Your Canvas

 Declawed Lions. Did you really want to make a King think more carefully about every move?

Noooo. Thought it was a stuck's wheel bearings and a tie rod. 700 spent on tires, brakes, rotors and just now getting to stuff that keeps the tire from flying off. I'm a dunce. Just wish I could work on my own car again, but noooooo

There are people who play hunting, and there are hunters.

I won't say I haven't been bored. I just learned, long ago, that there are so many levels And intricacies To this state That it became one of my favorite states to visit. Boredom is the gateway, you know

To be continued. It is always continued...

I'm slowly preparing for my socks to be put on. Ever feel like your life is the last season of the worst tv show ever, but it just keeps going? I meant that in the best way. I make me chuckle.

For those in the future, check out 2020.

Weaponized absurdity is going nuclear.

I was in my father in laws meat processing shop this morning, & a talkative older German man came in. Chatted with everyone, asking where the family came from. He sees me on a corner chair and says " you are a German." I didn't know it was a look. Gramma always said we were Dutch.

Trump news. I'm sure it would be great, but imagine Trump in a white suit & wheelchair as Guy Caballero, as the News turns into SCTV. That's entertainment.

Being an idiot myself, I can assure you, it is a large and diverse population.

Exponential. Things happening beyond human comprehension. It's been going on forever. We are just now aware that it is there

Had an arthritis flare up in my feet for awhile. Stuck on the computer even more than usual. News cycle has been hilarious, so it is not all bad.

Refresher- Powerful people do not cower and panic. They make decisions. They follow plans. They alter plans when needed. They know what the consequences are, good and bad, and accept them. Power defines. Good or Evil is just a personal interpretation.

When you are dead, apparently you are doomed to roam the Earth voting democrat for all eternity

I shouldn't take antihistamines and do Twitter at the same time.

#2020 I swear this year was a Scooby Doo episode and it isn't over until George Soros and Bill Gates say " We would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids"

At about 11 am, my wife asked me if it was too early for Chili. I said I have a blog & pursue social media superstardom. I left your cultures mundane boundaries for something better, ages ago. I will eat Chili and drink beer at any time I choose.

Sometimes I wonder, what is the lowest amount of energy it takes to keep a crowd engaged?

Some days it feels like the world needs saving And some ask themselves if they could Some know they can but question if they should A few won't use their powers for good

This seems like an exceptional business climate to open FAT HOBBIT MENSWEAR, BREWERY, & ITALIAN EATERY

Can I learn to code? I don't even golf.

"Crazy" does not mean "stupid". "Crazy" does not mean "not stupid". Here we see where the battles are fought.

If you sit here in the twitter cauldron long enough, you can feel it being stirred

I identify as a fictional character, so nothing worries me too much. Don't know how you people put up with all the crap going on, though.

The more one plays on here, the more one should realize they are just becoming another crumb of the bread and circuses.

Anyone get the feeling that every election was cooked, and we are watching business as usual? They didn't just learn how to do all this without practice. #Election2020


Life is interesting. I have been asked If I would like a good steak. I am thinking that most people have never had a good steak. Most are damned happy with a bad steak.

There is no shortage of folks that will assume they are smarter than you, ignore strategy, and will school you on what they determine you don't understand. They miss contextual subtleties staring them in the face.

Did you ever wake up and realize you are on twitter to work on what is left of your communication skills?

Walmart opens at 7am Sunday. I will be there at 6 30, staring in the window, watching candy prices slashed as the employees gorge themselves as the last Effing Reese Egg disappears into the group diabetic coma. I will buy a broken choco bunny. The smell of Reeses now on my change.

Oops. Wrong Holiday. But why does my change smell like your chocolate fell in my peanut butter?

Random Twitter ...Hoping my family has a great holiday. I haven't talked to my daughter in a while, hope her upcoming surgery goes as well as possible. Hey to the Grandkids, Hey to my dad and brother and whoever else reads this. Love you all. Happy Thanksgiving.

Put new tires on van, brakes and rotors replaced, still have the big problems of replacing wheel bearing/Hubs and a tie rod/ alignment.

More posts, edits and additions coming to THE BLOG for this special holiday edition
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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.