Monday, August 24, 2020

Social Summary

 Some recent social media posts....all regularly scheduled, random, stream of consciousness blather

I just want to know what it is like to be duly noted.

It kills me to admit we actually need social engineering...

Killing time, waiting til I have an errand to do...but isn't everyone on here doing the same? Waiting for twitter to start charging for useless/or disagreeable/unpopular posts. Think of twitter as a toll road....

I was once an able bodied fool. I tried to make it a noble lifestyle choice, but I am afraid I am able no longer. While experience has lessened my ability to act the fool, my heart says "Just be"...

My wife fixes a hot dog by boiling it and then splitting it in half lengthwise and frying it to simulate grilling it. They are excellent. I simply microwave them until they explode. She will pass, indignantly,if I offer her one.

There is a post office service that sends you a pic of your daily mail, if you want to avoid human contact & that potentially wasted effort of leaving the couch to walk to your mail box for the crushing disappointment of no golden ticket

..the distance between ignorance and genius is never insurmountable, and can be demonstrated in the blink of an eye, a slip of the tongue, a push of an enter key, a loosening of a belt, a sudden change in the wind

Really tired of the unrelenting insults hurled at actual sheep

I love the absurd but hate to see it used as a weapon

We now go to a commercial break while I deal with the supposedly healthy effects of a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon.

(1)Most of my life I have dealt with bouts of night terrors/sleep paralysis. I have died, been torn apart, been eaten...I've learned to, been conditioned to, not be as shook up about it. I've also had some crappy relationships. If I have a weird dream and a

(2) woman is getting sexual, I'm instantly "who are you? I'm old, out of shape, broke, broken & happily married. Get the FUCK away from me"..& I wake up wondering where the demon from the old bad dream went, or is this the new one? Dreams..

3) weirdest dream I ever had took place in some primordial soup/odd jungle imagery and a business like woman, complete stranger but a face I would remember, handing me a document and telling me to "Sign this". That's the whole dream. I'll paint that someday.

What will my brain decide to desecrate the pristine walls of social media with today?

I keep seeing these threads asking "what was the first movie you saw in The Theatre"...I've been afraid to mention it. I fell asleep, my dad drank my malted and ate my food. I was 5 and it was Song of the South. I enjoyed the film. Do I have to take classes? silent for so long

Ending the day on a typo that better accents the point -- priceless

Coffee Pot broke quite awhile ago. I didn't replace it because I bought it for 8 bucks and they want 16 for the same model now. Ok, I didn't replace it because I'm not supposed to drink coffee.

Been a normal short night and I have a long napless I make some coffee on the stove. How hard can it be? Well, it boils to eruption real quick.

I will clean it up when it cools. Other than a faint aroma and me mentioning an occasional skipped heartbeat, the wife will be none the wiser.

I love coffee and peanut butter toast.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.