Wednesday, March 3, 2021

drippingly earnest comedy

 I stopped drinking a few days ago, and gave up soda yesterday. 

When I was younger, I would have lost ten pounds already. 

What's the use? 


When people underestimate me

I think of my little life

and the things I have been through

Maybe I am the only one who has ever

-Had a skunk run across his feet and spray him point blank in the face

-hit a deer

-and a bat (stuck in the windshield wiper)


Beautiful day. I am going for a walk. I don't care what the critics think. 

( a few hours later)

The critics were right. Made it a quarter mile and called Uber to send a rickshaw to get me on the walking trail. No phone service, and probably no rickshaw, anyway. Had to drag my own self back to the car.  Life without Naproxen is off to a slow start. 


Fabians everywhere. 


It's a sad day. Put my hand in my pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. 

Had to confront the wife and ask who's been wearing my pants. 


Went to get groceries and a flash bowling tournament broke out....again. 

The aisles just make it a natural occurence. 

Just once, I would like to go bowling and a flash mob grocery shopping or teeth cleaning occurs. 


I have a disdain for control freaks

but they probably don't care what I think



Oatmeal. Apple. Banana. Pomegranate juice. a square of 90% dark chocolate. 

Water w/ lots of prescription meds to make me healthy (?) enough to take more pills.


No alcohol this week. 1 can of soda a day...maybe I can cut that to every other day. 


Not sure if I am having pain in most joints because of water pill dehydrating and I'm making too much uric acid, 

naproxen withdrawal

alcohol withdrawal

or this is what arthritis feels like with zero painkillers. 

Either is an issue.  I will keep trying to move, but the steps are getting smaller. 

Life is fascinating. 


Notice all the ME in my blog. My longtime reader may remember that I write about me because I probably won't sue me.


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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.