Sunday, June 6, 2021

Putting on Airs

Despite a subtle nature
Being too good to ignore 
does not mean anyone likes me.
Ah. Sweet toxicity.

I still love a good typo. 
It makes so many happy to point it out. 
You need it more than me.

That moment you realize 
There's nobody left to talk to
Unless you say what they want to hear 
Guess it's always been that way

To be continued 

It's all my fault 
But we all know that
That's not what this is about 

Nothing messes with a story more than everyday life.
People. Other people. Not yoooou.

To be continued 

I know I treat my reader badly. I'm not like the other writers.
I don't value an audience.

I don't value an audience.

I value intuition. 
Your brain is a construction zone.

I'm building a world here.

That's right. Highbrow shit with an appearance of low brow aptitude. 

It's a living work.

To be continued 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.