Saturday, June 12, 2021

New Post W/ Some Rehashed Content

 Constant Pain will get people to do some bonkers shit, eventually. 

Constant is a manipulative fuck that is used to getting its own way.

When it leaves, that person is left with picking up the pieces

A life torn asunder.

The threat always remains, the point driven in

that Constant will be back, anytime it feels like. 

Like it never left.

Sleep while you can.

Conflicted Agent of Reason


Capriciously vengeful spirit of overplayed subtlety.

Building on a property somewhere between the profane, & the profound. 

 I'm NOT the ancient sorcerer/King

Weaponized absurdity doesn't care what side of an argument you are on. It gets everybody in the end.

Hold the door for anyone approaching it.

Shovel snow for those that shouldn't. 

Strong wills will carry burdens their backs cannot. Whenever possible, offer help to those in need.

 I told my wife to buy towels

she asked if we had the money

I said I may never have F you money

but most of the time I have "go dry off properly" money

Get some new towels. 

Repeats, mostly.  I have so much of a back catalog of good stuff and complete shit that I can't tell which is which.  Much of it unread or unpublished. I may need help from THE PERMANENT RECORD.

Get off my ass. I woke up at 4 am again. 

I wanted to be a darkly humorous absurdist but it is getting hard to top whoever is writing this life thing. I may never get a sketch on this show.

Every once in a while, I remember when I was sure I was a decent person. Let me tell you, at least in my case, I was a dick. Life has a way of taking the conceited piss out of you. Even the worst of us was good to someone, at some point in time...and the worst of us is pretty bad. Monstrous. I was definitely not the worst, but damn I am still pretty disappointed in my lapses of judgement. MY WORST. At the same time...My Best isn't THE BEST, but it's where it should be. I just hope to be more like that..

I always thought the most dangerous were the nameless, faceless ones

(On becoming corporate serfs) I thought we already were. You realize poverty is too big to fail because every dime and every food stamp government gives to the poor goes back to those corporations.

The web is weaved well. It is not ALL bad. That is the tricky part.

There are way too many tiers of the problem of institutionalization for any one solution. Revolution, in and of itself, does not fix the problems.

It MIGHT, at least temporarily, change the beneficiaries of corruption.

Pressure makes me type, even if it hurts. Fortunately, I don't say anything that could potentially make things WORSE for me....BAHAHAHA. Fortunately, I can edit.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.