Friday, July 2, 2021


 Find the struggle you know will never get easier and be better than you were yesterday.


What I am positive was the start of the William Tell Overture has turned down a much less defined path of archaic explosion. So much for synchronistic flow amongst madness. I heard a few moments of beauty that only someone on the spectrum could sneak in before the rest had to destroy it.
It's now the fireworks of anarchy, building up to Independence Day.
I swear, there was a musician in there to begin with.

Still can't type. Working with 5 useless fingers across 2 hands. Just have to laugh it off. The more I have lost, the more the writing, reading, and most importantly-listening, has helped me cope with my lot in life. Education is valuable, and life gives it to you in spades. You only have to accept it.

It is odd, some of the advice one receives. It is usually one telling you how they do things.

Some will say that if you don't drive, life will take the wheel.

They say this like being aimless is a bad thing.

I would say that if one was just digging deeper holes that would bury everyone around you, perhaps one should just float and see where the current takes you...

Sorry, I was always deeply impressed by Tolkien and the "Not all who wander are lost" wordplay.

It is probably best to do what you think is right, until you can admit you were wrong. That way you don't blame someone else for your own mistakes.
Geez. That wasn't funny at all.
What do you expect from a guy that wanted to be a rich and powerful greeting card writer?

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.