Monday, July 26, 2021


 every baby makes the same noises- almost as if we are all born knowing the same language but taught another for the sake of ...why?


And now the old repeats




just spoke to two different groups of people for about 30 minutes each, which is quite lengthy for not knowing what I was talking about.   Considering how little I actually speak aloud anymore, that will have to suffice.   I think I covered all the vowels, consonants, and human like gestures.


I'd like a product endorsement deal for drapes.  Not those flimsy flowered pattern drapes. Those manly , super heavy, ugly don't let the light in, keeping life private and your utility bills down industrial strength probably stop a bullet drapes.

The ones that are like flexible walls for windows.   One of the great inventions.  You've got the cup....condoms...and the heavy duty drape.


I bowled a tournament last week and heard that a younger talented entrant said to my son "Damn. I didn't know your dad could do that"  as I got comfortable game 9 and went left and wheeled it.        It feels good and sad at the same time.  Sometimes, getting old makes you your own ghost.      

You know what you need when your head goes down this road?

Grand kids.    Just the thought of them fixes most everything


So...I'm bowling and this guy says his inner voice says "I'm not comfortable with where I'm at ".

I asked him what language his inner voice spoke in.

I was just curious. I think mine is Mandarin, but I don't know what it's saying.

That's how well I'm bowling.


Great name for a bowling bar


all I am saying is if you dip the velveeta in the Peanut Butter....your world will change. Now...add bacon. Then Tomato and Miracle Whip ShHH. You did not hear it from me. I could lose my powers over this

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.