Sunday, August 15, 2021

No New Post For You

 I decided I'm having my famous bacon, miracle whip, tomato and peanut butter on toast this morning...but I take out the trash and run into a spider web that says 'Radiant' and decided on pork chops and eggs.

found my tie dye smiley face shirt and my green tyrannosaurus in a row boat shirt cleverly hidden in a basket of my wifes clothes. I was getting depressed without my wearable humor. She will be so happy for me.

My mutant superpowers were enhanced from all that exposure to DDT when I was a youngster.

Sitting in a hospital waiting room thinking this was sooo much more awkward when we used to have to socially connect with others. Everybody, of all ages is on the phone. I'd take a pic but I'd rather share lunch from yesterday. I don't have that photo, so here is a weird spider on my shoe. I don't have that photo either.

A dystopian future is just 'now' to the characters. You ever wonder how long you would be in a future dystopia before you noticed?

A friend once referred to me as living in my own little world, and how lonely it must be. The truth is, the demands upon my time are exasperating.
So many characters...and I built this place to be better for them. Sometimes, I think maybe I should've made a quiet, peaceful corner of my mind just for me. But how does that build character?

I'm not really wanting for attention.
I've been mocked my whole life and thought I should attempt to monetize it.

The acoustics in the bathroom are amazing on laundry day, when all the dirty clothes and towels are in the wash.

That awkward moment...
When you are next in the drive thru line
and the sky goes dark, temperature drops
And the wind comes from behind, shaking your car
Tornadoes could pop up anywhere
But the chicken fried steak meal for $2.49 Is today's special, and you are probably not going to the store
And that lady 3 cars back is terrified , her face is red....and she's not leaving either.
Once you place that order...You are obligated.

Good ones move things.
Bad ones get moved.
Been working on this one for 50 years.

top notch edit.....

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.