Sunday, June 26, 2022

Social media posts I make when someone explains how full of crap they are, so I can explain how full of crap I am. It is a fair exchange.

 So, do the concepts exist and make themselves known, or do we make everything up?

Love, Hate, Numbers, Time, etc? Once a concept is believed in, has it then always existed with all the other conflicting concepts? This would make many truths, and facts elusive. #Sunday

Thoreau. Drummer. Good talk.

If no one thought about time, would it exist

Is there a Honey Mustard Kale plant yet? That may not be so bad. A little gene splicing, here and there...

In the meantime, the birds still sang magnificently this morning
It's almost like nature does not give a F**K about humans.

Some people don't recognize that there are fates worse than death.

About the PBA becoming a sanctioning body for league bowlers,
Interesting. So many possible pluses and negatives. In the end, least of the worlds astounding list of problems.

I wonder. Does it still work? Can I still summon the demon? BEAR WITH ME There used to be a Bot that popped up everytime you said bear instead of bare.

Being called an asshole and looked down upon by someone you like and respect isn't so bad. I reserve the possibility of liking and respecting someone that doesn't like me. Heck, I don't like me sometimes. #sharingtoenhanceourcomedytogether

just told my wife Yannis Pappas did a book on Kissinger only to spend ten minutes double checking to realize it was Jeremi Suri. In fairness...ok. I was wrong.

Wendy's app stuck on loading scream for at least a few months now. Lots of people with the same problem. Lots of other places that don't have the same problem.
I know the typo is there. I left it because it more accurately portrays the situation.

I suspect a huge number of people don't understand the term Bread & Circuses. Then again, isn't Social Media just another circus?

"Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know." - Bertrand Russell

Big Science has done a helluva marketing job for a religion that doesn't actually know shit. 
Science is a relentless search for truth, because everything we know eventually gets proved wrong.
No such thing as settled science, but that doesn't exude the desired authority, now does it?

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