Friday, October 14, 2022

My Theory of This Everything.

 Questions make this whole realm of Everything go around. 

Answers mean nothing more than a means to birth more questions. 

Any answer can be truthful at the moment it was said, or anytime in the past, or the future.

It can also be wrong/untruthful at any given time.

Adding that up = All answers are actually questions in disguise.


It Takes All Kinds to make an Everything.

Trying to control a place of belief, that is inhabited by a living language that found a way to propagate its way to immortality by the use of questions... is futile. But some try, by offering "answers" where none exist. 

Control freaks are an unfortunate but necessary part of the ecosystem of the Everything we live in. Everything is a necessary part of the ecosystem.

Fools are those that seek answers as a be all and end all to unsolvable issues. There is no solution. There are only more questions. Everything is constantly changing because it is literally a living question.

As always

To Be Continued- The art of continuing something that has no beginning and no end, but it may just stop. (it's very lifelike.)

I began my education in 1968, and it will end when I do.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.