Saturday, October 15, 2022


 When I decided to become a fictional caricature of myself, I should have chosen a more famous me.

That would have made it easier.

Famous people do it to themselves all the time.
When regular people do it
it doesn't sit so well.

and to make yourself a caricature
and be a contrarian
people don't like that

I have created a sort of dramatic anti-comedy
and I didn't really create it
it is an amalgamation
of all of society
and what they do on the internet, and social media.
Then I put it in real life situations.

I've actually been doing this my whole life.
Before the internet existed.

I am just showing you what I see happening.
What everyday people are actually doing and posting.

I am an actor, like everyone else I've ever met.
Ok. I'm not like everybody else.
(I noticed it, and called people on it.)
The Society of Everybody will not take kindly to me claiming to be one of them.

I was once called a Troll, by someone I respected. I honestly didn't know I was, or what it even meant.

Now, I think that insult was correct.

I wear it as a badge of honor.
I am a different kind of Troll.
I do not just complain. I try not to insult.
If asked, I have actual suggestions to remedy the problem.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
I am not trying to enrage.
Quite the opposite.
I just disagree.
Or, worse yet, I see through your shit.
When you see through someones shit, that is usually when you get called names.
When you see through someone else's shit, you are no longer a troll.
You are Correct.
Now, you are in a situation.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.