Saturday, October 22, 2022

Philosophy is the understanding of your cage.

 We were all perfect when we got here. 

Then the forced assimilation process begins.

The perfection is chipped away from the start

and the program gnaws at you 'til the end.

But it doesn't matter where we are sent. 

It is all the same, just different. 

You know that phrase "think outside the box"?

Can you get your mind far enough over what you are looking at

to actually get out of the box, or are you just in a slightly different

or bigger box? 

The trick appears to go farther inside a box, inside the mind, inside the self, 

to simulate freedom. 

But it is still just a simulation, and still just part of assimilation. 

Going farther inside the self with big thoughts is still a failed escape plan, a method 

to embrace your captivity- for your own sanity. 

But there is no sanity. 

If you meet anyone on this planet that seems sane, you don't know them well enough 

and they just hide their tell well. 

People protect their badges of honor in this system. That generates a lot of energy. 

What if I told you that everyone is right about everything, including me? All your religions, political views, science, health, economics...everything is correct. 

Belief. It's ALL belief. You have to have lots of it, because if you look at anything objectively, you realize it is ALL subjective. 

(Math adds up because enough people believe it. There is no fact unsafe in this hypothesis.Everything we know is right to us, and bullshit to someone else. No right. No wrong.)

Life is the machine and it runs on the energy of belief. Belief makes the wheels go round. 

It takes all kinds to generate that much friction, that much energy. Contradiction, Yin &Yang.

There is only a small hope for a momentary respite. Then the war continues. 

Watch how some very successful people navigate this mine field. They seem to step out of the way of trouble just before it gets on them, or are impervious to the systems rules. Perhaps they see the system differently than we are all taught. 

It's not the money. People that determine what the currency is do not need money. (Not that anyone ever sees those people. If you see a powerful persons face in the media, they have a boss you do not see.)

This whole thing is about something else. Of course, it is a control system, but if this isn't about money...then this goes even farther off the rails, doesn't it? 

There are things coming in the tech world that will make you question your sanity, but you shouldn't. 

You never had any. You were just taught to believe everything some expert taught you or your parents, and it is all crap. Belief in the system. 

The moment you see the machine, it weakens the belief that runs it. When it senses that, it ramps up things that need questioned. Exponentially. It is already out of control of those that thought they could manage it. 

We were perfect when we entered this place.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.