Thursday, August 24, 2023

Growth implies roots...roots implies time?

 If you look back

and notice

how different you are 


from what you were

most of it

is the anxiety

of time

Some think it moves 

faster or slower

some think we move faster or slower

but in the end it is both

Youngsters will never understand that

the current gears of the machine

aren't what you would hope they get to

in the end

At first, 

you can't see past your face

In the end

you will see what you will have learned to see

some will see what they have earned to see

some of those see Aeons. 

If this isn't your type of thing, 

I occasionally tell dick jokes to discredit myself.  

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.