Friday, December 8, 2023

Ah. The unrelatable life...

 I will add to this as I see fit. 

I have never wanted to be more than that old man that was ignored, but said important things hidden within stories and puzzles and actions that made no sense at the time...

From where I see it, EVERYTHING in this place works exactly as it was meant to. That is both a compliment and a condemnation of the creator. (It's OK. Creators can handle criticism. It's part of the job, and those critics are also part of the project. 

I used to think we all live in our own little world. I now realize most have their little pieces of group think/culture and these people WANT to be like everyone in their group. People in these cultures cannot even imagine another way of CORRECTLY existing.  A very minor example: An adult who can't understand that some people don't keep the same hours that they do, or respect the difference in any way. They want your life to comply with theirs completely.  I'm sure you can see how this escalates into everything else. Oh, wait. To those that think everyone else is doing it wrong, you can't see how any of this works. They don't have to, because they know they are right. You are wrong. 

Control freaks gotta control. 

Sometimes control freaks get confused with people who are just unaware...

I use unaware instead of ignorant, because ignorant gets misused as an insult way too often.

Remember- Not everything written was meant to be read. It was meant to be writ.


I'm thinking about doing a few posts a week, where I just add things all day.  I've already written so much online, it would take longer than a lifetime to read it all. The way I wrote it would take longer than a lifetime to figure out.  No one will attempt to do it, which I count on. 

I'm not in it for the dopamine.

 I've written more posts than people have pictures these days. 

I've never seen the Truman Show, but I understand. 

I wrote this crap for years before I knew who Fernando Pessoa is, but I understand. 


Peanut Butter cookies are irresistible. 

My foot hurts.

Cooking all weekend. Now to pay the piper and do dishes.

Somehow, froze everything and forgot to leave anything out for dinner tonight. 

Wife and I somehow scheduled dr appointments on the same day, in different cities. Something has to break. 

I get heartburn from eating peanut butter cookies? What fresh hell is this? 

My mom taught me if I eat more than 6 cookies in a day, I'll die of cookie poisoning. To this day, on the rare day I have a few cookies, I'll wake up in a frenzied state and recount my binge. It's hard to sleep if I'm not sure of the count. I'm sure some of the nonbelievers will think that's funny. 


I once tried working at a doughnut shop. After a few weeks of third shift making doughnuts in the heat, I was asked to work register also until noon because the cashier quit. My bedroom was in the basement, and I (while sleepwalking during the day)  apparently lined up album covers full of stuff all the way up the stairs and the counter to the kitchen sink and I turned on the hot water to start frying the "Doughnuts". 

My family left them out so I would see them when I woke up.   It would've been a viral video in this day and age.   One of the few jobs I've quit that was approved by family. 


Have a good day.  I mean that. 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.