Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I debated over whether I should put the following information on this blog. I do have rules over my content.  The main rule is that the BLOG is about me me me.  It's not because I want it to be , I just don't want to embarrass anyone else or get sued. There is a safety involved in just talking about myself and my ideas. I am afraid of very little at my age and condition.   It wasn't too many years ago that I was afraid of absolutely everything.....   Failure mostly. Death.  My mom died at 48 and that number is coming up pretty soon for me.   Afraid of another horrible relationship that would just destroy me again.   Everytime something  traumatic would happen in my life, and/or I would do something stupid, I curled up in a ball and thought I would die.  Then it got worse.  It really can always get worse if you let it. or....

You can decide to ride life instead of it riding you.   You can make good decisions, or at least, decisions you can accept the consequences for.   I somehow missed that lesson when I was younger.

This is only a little about me.....

Amy, I would like to thank you.    You lead by example whether you realize it or not. I have watched you selflessly volunteer your  help to absolutely everyone around you for years. All that time taking your courses, studying until you couldn't keep your eyes open.  You rarely ask for a thing and then only if things are way past tolerable levels for most people.

Watching you finish your Bachelors in Business with public speaking was a powerful motivation for me. I know you put that class off as long as possible ,because you were afraid to speak in public.

But-   just a week after finishing your speech for your class and getting an A - Watching you get in the driving instructors car and driving away was absolutely awe inspiring.  It has been 20 years since the accident that left you paralyzed and in a wheelchair. You were young, had been driving for just a few months ....nobody would ever fault you for not wanting to get back behind the wheel and trying again.   I know how scared you were. I saw your teeth chatter.  I know you did not expect to be doing 50 on a highway, in traffic, your first time out.  I know you thought you would be awful( after all , it didn't go so well last time)...and I know you didn't expect to be told by your instructor that you only need about 3 to 5 hours with him and you will be fine.

You still think you are a scared little girl that hit a tree when she was 17, and has had many operations and rehab assignments.   The rest of us see a beautiful 37 year old accomplished woman that may well be driving to her commencement to celebrate with her peers.

Amy, you are the most capable person I have ever met.   I love you, and thank you for letting me be a part of your life.   What's next?  Skydiving or bungee jumping?  Big game hunting....or starting a non profit to help others?

Have a good day everyone. Thank you for your time.  I don't know about you, but I have seen things that make it very hard for me to complain about anything. (I am sure I will, but it doesn't linger)----Mark Burkenbine

 Above, top  Amy and Reese.....just above is Amy and I.
 She also started bowling recently.  No bumpers or ramps !
 Amy driving away....

Amy coming back safely, 45 minutes later.  No limits! 

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.