Friday, August 23, 2013

A Life Worth Living

     A life is worth living.  A simple sentence.   Words.  Words would seem to be the main way we communicate.   I would argue there are better ways, but that's for another rant.

     I started this blog because I have witnessed some very simple, very primal things recently. Moments of triumph.  Some of these things were not possible just a few short years ago.  It made me reflect on my life, and my lack of life.  My failures to others and myself.

I have a history of wanting to do 'things' but stopping at certain levels. Caving in to the life situation around me instead of persevering forward.   Big dreams, no follow through.  Big beliefs...many of those beliefs are not exactly 'mainstream'.  Sometimes I rock the boat, sometimes I flip it over.

     Some of these beliefs are treated as delusional.    It's the old ' but it's done this way' syndrome.  Anything different than how the masses have been taught to see it, or those in power have been taught to see it, is historically shot down. Sometimes the person with the opinion/vision is literally shot down.

     One of my opinions is that we as a species do NOT go backwards. Previous generations do not raise the young with a vision of the future but with a tainted fondness of the past. A past they have been taught was Utopia.    We have seen many children classified as having no attention span.  Many have the opinion that the next generation and so on is getting , well, not smarter.  I actually used to believe that. 

Then I realized from my own experiences that this is not possible.  We are the master species of a planet filled with perils that can, could have and maybe should have wiped us out. We beat every possible problem that has ever come against us. and we get stronger and smarter.   That is what we are. 

     The children are not having attention problems. We teach them too slowly and in a language they don't understand.  Kids can program your television remote by age 4, but they can't handle a history exam?  Their brains are actually processing so quickly, our words are like an old dot matrix printer to them.   They are living more inside there own head because the older methods of communicating knowledge to them are ,what should be, discontinued models. We may have more reason to worry for the ones we think are learning 'properly'.    We talk too much and we are talking down to what is most definitely going to be the Apple Newton of generations to come. I won't link to it, but Forbes has a very nice article on that device.

     We , as a species, evolve.   We are not capable of going backward. The new models are definitely capable of producing a far superior human than the Grand Delusion of the not so virtuous 1950s.

     As a species, if we are scared of  change and scared of the future, we are afraid of our own kids. That, as the saying goes, is a major personal problem.    At this point it also may be valid.

     Hope you enjoy the blog...I do.  It's about finishing a thought and not being afraid of anything. A life worth LIVING.

Thank you,      Mark Burkenbine

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