Thursday, August 22, 2013

     GOOOOOD morning everybody. Coming to you live during the morning drive. Bright and early on a Thurday morning. The birds are chirping and I will be damned if the grass isn't always greener over there.
     I don't know about all of you, but I think this is the first day of the rest of my life.  Hope traffic is smooth and the coffee is strong.

Here is last  weeks TOP FIVE hits:

Coming in at Numero Uno

Resume and skills Part 1

At Dos is     Congratulations Amy    -- and it probably shouldn't count , cause it is number 1 to me and I don't care if anyone else reads it.

Tres     is  Guess That Disability.

Cuatro/Quatro...I only know how to spell this cause of my razor and a 40 year old memory of Sesame Street....
At Cuatro is     Resume Skills Part 2

Rounding out the top 5 (Cinco) is  Welcome to the Internet Time Suck.  

This week I am presenting the Classic Repost Thursday in the Morning Drive Top 5, with a repost of an authors favorite in the afternoon.  All the new posts are getting far more hits than some of the earlier posts.  I am either a better writer than I was 3 weeks ago, or our popularity if growing. Both are possible.  
  If you like anything about All Things Burkenbine(Mark Burkenbine) please share it on Facebook , Email, or any other social media sites.  I am definitely not against advertising and marketing,      If you don't like this blog.... Relax. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee and some pie. The beautiful thing about free speech is the offended party can always "change the channel".

Have an absolutely wonderful day and don't let anyone spoil it for you.(  Morning Drive speak for 'don't take any crap off anybody')

Thank you for your time

Mark Burkenbine

Dennis--Do I need you as a punctuation, edito?r

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.