Monday, August 19, 2013

 (above)Teaching what I can to those who want to listen, and learning to appreciate the lessons life is teaching me.
 (above)  my reference library. I've written a few things down. How many trees must die? ( life long project list)
 Where the magic happens...The spacious studio/offices of All Things Burkenbine...Mark Burkenbine
 Dressed appropriately for the task at hand. Blogging.
 Always attentive to deadlines and up on the current technology.
 Multi-tasking project development skills.
 Dressed appropriately for the role of data collector/ field inspector.
 Field Inspector work is a time to look professional.
 Take a moment to smell the flowers. 
 The ATB is a friend of nature and its little creatures.  
 Wait. What's wrong with this picture?
 Ah, attention to detail .....
 Problem solving skills.
 Faced with a choice....
 Take your time....
 The spoon did not make drawing on paper....
 It was  a painful mistake..but we must get over the shame and learn from it. Ah, that one works.
 Again, dressed for the task at hand. Garage work.
 Here at the ATB, we obviously believe  a strong body helps a strong mind stay sharp
 No pain , no gain.
 More skills....the bowling pro shop.
 Cleanliness is next to godliness.

 These two pictures illustrate that, despite my delicate nature, I do have a killer instinct and competitiveness.  That fly dies for what it did.  ( editors note: no flies were actually harmed during this photo shoot)
Don't ever be afraid to laugh at yourself.  Somehow things will work out if you keep improving on  your flaws, and don't forget what you do well.  For more information ,visit my About the Author page, and read my posts.  
Thank you  and take care of yourself  ---Mark Burkenbine

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.