Saturday, August 3, 2013

Me, INC.

Narcissistic personality disorder---Defined by wikipedia-Falling in love with yourself. Excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy,power,prestige,and vanity. 1% of population estimated to be afflicted. (1% ? aren't these the SUCCESSFUL people?). First formulated in 1968 (the year I was formulated). Used to be called Megalomania, is severe egocentrism.

 Is this real? Or, is it a term the HERD calls the ones that try to leave it? Don't you need to be narcissistic to believe you can do better than most? Just a little? Isn't success for yourself what you need to have to support a family, retire,pay lots of taxes and help those in need? Isn't this how self confidence is viewed from the point of view of the have-not-but-want-to be's? I believe I am the CEO of ME, Incorporated. Is that narcissism?

 I have full responsibility for my actions. When this ship is sinking, I have to right it, or drown. We are all independent contractors, whether we work for someone else or not. We are our own boss, all the time. We decide who we contract(work) for and the terms involved. As head of ME, INC. , It's a lifetime position. I control my own valuations as perceived by others based on my own actions. My growth and development. My financial outlook. My risks. My schedule. My repercussions. When I am in a downward spiral, my stock will rise when I make proper decisions. I.I.I. Me.Me.Me.

 Isn't it strange that 1% of the population is deemed having this disorder, and the top 1% of earners is constantly under attack by have-nots? I am a have-not based on income, which is based on my own past indiscretion and failure. I sure have plenty of ambition to be a rich,self-made,responsible,accountable,narcissistic 1 percenter.

 How may I help you? I am Mark Burkenbine, and of course, I love me.

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.