Saturday, August 3, 2013

Goood afternoon. Well, It's been at least four hours since this blog has been up and running. Its been a few days since I lost my second to last contract for work and I decided to be a professional writer. C'mon people. I thought surely i'd have a 250K signed development deal for content with Youtube, Paramount,HarperCollins, Disney,EIB, NPR or Prairie Home Companion by now. You people are missing the boat. I COULD BE- a ONE man MULTI media TOP QUALITY content MACHINE your advertisers would learn to love.... No? It's not that simple? hmmm....We shall see. I can afford to persevere doing this through the afternoon and maybe til Monday. Then I have to go fill out applications at the fast food places so I can try to get my kid through college....after I pay all these bills, of course. Thank you for your time.Keep living the dream ---Mark Burkenbine

1 comment:

  1. .. Maybe not TOP quality, But working towards the upper levels of mediocrity


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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.