Saturday, August 3, 2013

Goood afternoon. Well, It's been at least four hours since this blog has been up and running. Its been a few days since I lost my second to last contract for work and I decided to be a professional writer. C'mon people. I thought surely i'd have a 250K signed development deal for content with Youtube, Paramount,HarperCollins, Disney,EIB, NPR or Prairie Home Companion by now. You people are missing the boat. I COULD BE- a ONE man MULTI media TOP QUALITY content MACHINE your advertisers would learn to love.... No? It's not that simple? hmmm....We shall see. I can afford to persevere doing this through the afternoon and maybe til Monday. Then I have to go fill out applications at the fast food places so I can try to get my kid through college....after I pay all these bills, of course. Thank you for your time.Keep living the dream ---Mark Burkenbine

1 comment:

  1. .. Maybe not TOP quality, But working towards the upper levels of mediocrity


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You don't want to have to do this again.

 Most people are going to be pissed when they find out that ALL of my blog and social media posts are going to be required reading/understan...