Saturday, August 3, 2013

Utopia- is of, or relating to, a perfect or ideal existence;an idealistic social reformer.- defined by When I see or hear anything relating to "Utopia", my experience says manipulation is in motion. If you call something as you see it , you can be accused of bitching and whining. Complaining but not offering solutions to the issue. If you offer solutions that make sense & the talk shuts down.You get the old " you can't be taken seriously with your 'utopian views' ". This has actually happened to me. I was flabbergasted. No argument about my solutions to the issue--but, my solutions involved an institution that the arguer was employed in. Its amazing how quickly an idea gets shut down when it involves your own job. Nobody votes to lose there job even if it shouldn't exist. Institution definition--Something that thinks of its will to be "etched in stone" and even GOD cannot change how it operates.--It will do what it wants because it cant be stopped. Commonly answers questions with "go away" and "call security". (That's how I define it, anyway.) Another one turned in. Hope you enjoyed it, cause you can't get this time back. --Mark Burkenbine

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