Saturday, October 19, 2013

The early years of All Things Burkenbine.

Beginning with nothing. Well , let us call it considerably less than nothing if you include all possible debt. It is not quite as easy as it sounds.  It is the definition of starting over, but trying to do things right.  By the way, trying to do things 'right' is not as easy as it sounds, either.

'Right'. The right way. Seems like absolutely everyone has a different definition of 'right'. Some believe 'right' means successful. That is another one of those elusive terms. Successful to some means financially successful, regardless of quality or anything else. They are doing something for the money and that is enough for them.  I would never do that. I can say that because I am proud and poor. Throw lots of money at me and I am willing to bet my opinion can be modified, as most opinions can be as the situation changes. To others, success may mean getting published, finishing a race or project, or just being happy about an effort or choice. It can be 'just happy to be here' , or  satisfied that they did the right thing, or all they could.

So everybody has to figure out what their 'right' way is, while clarifying what is 'wrong'.

Next episode :  Poking the Bears.

Yeah, I like that.  I will use that in my Wikipedia entry, if someone makes one for me.

C'mon people. Join my fan club and get me on Wikipedia.

Mark Burkenbine.
I've got Big Twits: Make Me One of the 140 Characters of your life

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The sweet spot

 There is nothing quite like being overrated and underrated.  It's perfect.