Monday, December 2, 2013

Black Friday Xmas

Christmas time.
Mistletoe, wreaths, and a beautiful decorated tree with a star on top. 
All the festive holiday cheer is in place. Kids opening presents. 
Happy smiling faces. 
Treasured memories of joy for the children. 
-For the parents? Well, - what happens on Black Friday stays on Black Friday.

What the kids don't know is that Momma, and Gramma, and all the Aunts start planning Thanksgiving Black Friday logistics on January 2nd.

The Criteria for a possible site is simple.  The shopping area must have no major crimes during the holidays the previous year ( It is getting harder to find these).  Preferably  a rural area or at least not major metro. It is not that the ladies are afraid of a fight. It is about time management. If you get caught with the shiv fighting over one sale, you get detained and miss the next hot item.

This is about easy pickings for the seasoned Black Friday Opperative. There is no time to be a hero. The best sales are always short stocked.

Five potential sites are picked. Thanksgiving may be at the lake house this year, or at a cousins home in New Hampshire. Thanksgiving Black Friday sales are not allowed at the big stores in neighboring states .

Then they wait, gathering intell on the sales through their network of underground sympathizers.

On July 1, deposits and such are sent to the top 3 prospective hotel locations as needed. The excuses to recoup the deposit are predetermined. No Black Friday Opp would just give money away without a con in place to get it back.

November 1- The intelligence has been gathered, the lists compared. The target determined.  Potential profits and losses evaluated.
The text goes out.
Dinner at 2:30 at Uncle Jimmies.
Staying with Aunt Sara.
Location # 2 is Red Hot.
Repeat. #2 is ON.
This years target sale is Game consoles. Loser is bouncing baby Bubba.
All systems go.
Respond with #BFB on fire to accept your mission.

Then the battle begins.....

If the kids only knew the sacrifices that were made to get them that special family Christmas.

--Mark Burkenbine

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